Michael Rogan Shares His Top Tips for Family Lessons
PSIA Alpine Team Coach Michael Rogan’s mantra is to check in with everyone throughout the day.
Here are Michael’s top tips for teaching a family lesson:
- Set expectations and keep adjusting them. Some families can surprise you about what is possible, for the better or worse.
- Check in with everyone.
- Be ready to move all day long. You have to manage a family lesson but you have to also BE WITH and help every individual.
- Check in with everyone.
- It is ok to have splits and have family members working on the same thing in different ways, or different things the same way.
- Check in with everyone.
- Give assignments and let family members do independent study. You don’t have to stay together the whole time.
- Check in with everyone.
- Have short ‘private’ lessons with everyone — a little attention goes a long way.
- Check in with everyone.
Read AASI Snowboard Team member Amy Gan’s tips for teaching group family lessons.