Highlight Reel: 2024 National Academies & PSIA-AASI National Team Selection

PSIA-AASI National Academies and PSIA-AASI National Team Selection in Big Sky, Montana, represented the absolute best of snowsports education, with every attendee, clinic leader, and team candidate enjoying the next chapter of their own personal lifelong adventure through education. Here are five highlights from two incredible weeks of skiing and snowboarding!

Highlight Reel: 2024 National Academies & PSIA-AASI National Team Selection2024-04-29T16:38:41-06:00

PSIA-AASI First Chair Podcast Celebrates 700th Episode!

Congratulations to Host George Thomas, as he recently celebrated the 700th episode of the First Chair Podcast in style, hosting PSIA-AASI Lead Writer Pete Kray. You can listen to more First Chair Podcasts on SoundCloud and on Spotify, including much more from 2024 National Academy.

PSIA-AASI First Chair Podcast Celebrates 700th Episode!2024-04-24T11:49:39-06:00
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